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Spiced Popping Candy Chocolate Tart Recipe | Heston Blumenthal

This is really cool, whether you are using it as a topping for a dessert,  tart, cupcakes or a sin filled nibble.

Please note that this recipe is for the popping candy only.

Spiced Popping Candy Chocolate Tart Recipe | Heston Blumenthal

Serving: 8 | Prep: 30 min | Cooking: 0 min

Ground Cinnamon 1 tablespoon
Ground Nutmeg 1 pinch
Ground Ginger 1/4 teaspoon
Dark Chocolate 100 g
Grape Seed Oil 25 ml
Popping Candy 50 g

Popping Candy Tart 2


1 . Mix the ginger, nutmeg & cinnamon together in a bowl
2 . Break up the chocolate into a bowl and add the grape seed oil
3 . Place the bowl over a pot of simmering water until melted
4 . Use a spatula to mix it together while it melts
5 . Remove from the sauce pan and allow to cool
6 . Once cooled add the popping candy and mix it in well
7 . Pour through a sieve to remove the excess chocolate
8 . Spoon the popping candy onto a parchment lined tray
9 . Spread it out a bit and then place in the freezer to set for 10 min
10 . Break into small pieces and add to the spice mix
11 . Keep in an airtight container until needed

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Murray (Staff) (have 357 posts in total)
A renowned slow cooker, some say the longest meal he ever cooked took 46 hours.