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Flavoured Vodka for Men! Maximus Vodka

There is a new flavoured vodka hitting the world market, Maximus! Time to rise and conquer.

The vodka comes in three flavours, Maximus Vodka, Peppery Raspberry and Citrus Cooler, each with its own tasting notes and a range of cocktail & shooter recipes on the website.

The ad campaign has a retro Marlboro Man feel about it too. The Huffington Post reports that American artist Mort Künstler was commissioned to supply illustrations of square-jawed scruffy men doing manly things. The accompanying copy challenges the male viewer to stop being such a sissy, using a hard-edged font usually reserved for car magazines and Steve McQueen’s business cards.

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Baz (Staff) (have 262 posts in total)
Is believed to have wined & dined three women on the same night at the same time at different restaurants in Parkhurst and none of them realised it!
