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Despite the citrus glaze, Deena’s lamb is a winner

Deena Naidoo offered up a Coriander crusted lamb loin with onion and spinach bhaji and roasted potatoes in the Invention Test

Deena Naidoo’ lamb was cooked perfectly according to Andrew Atkinson, Pete Goff=Wood and Benny Masekwameng.

Each has their concerns, Benny would have liked crispier potatoes and Andrew could not handle the citrus glaze.

Watch Deena talk about his recipe.

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Despite the citrus glaze, Deena's lamb is a winner, 4.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

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Andrew Lieber (Ed) (have 475 posts in total)
Suffered from multiple personality disorders for the first year of Gourmet Guys. His primary personality has now taken control! Editor-In-Charge
