Buzzfeed were curious as to how far $5 would go when it came to buying food around the world so they went to find out.
Most importantly they measured the value in beer, rice, coffee and potatoes amongst other less important commodities like McDonald’s and Beef (although we’re not quite sure if it’s horse meat or not).
The first thing we did was to roughly convert the Dollars to Rands, this was quite a shock as the last time I’d looked the Rand was approximately R7.50 to the dollar, it is currently R9.50
To help with conversion factors 1lb is equal to 0.454kg’s so basically divide the pounds in half to get an estimate of what your R50 will buy you.
It is our Ethiopian cousins up north who feature quite favourably when in comes to potatoes and bananas giving you the most bang for your buck.
When it comes to beer, China is the place you want to be.
If you’re a coffee addict we recommend you relocate to India.
Which country have you been to that gave you the best value for your hard earned Rands?
How much food will R50 buy you around the world?,