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Paella Recipe with Chorizo, Butternut, Sweet Potato, Chick Pea

As family meals go, Paella’s are great and this Butternut, Sweet Potato, Chick Pea and Chorizo Paella Recipe is no exception. For this recipe you can also include some sweet potato. You can either buy a pre-mixed bag of Butternut and Sweet Potato or simply peel and cube your own. This recipe is a great…


How to cook perfectly fluffy rice

Tips for cooking perfectly fluffy rice You don’t need a rice cooker, a regular pot of water will work just fine. The general rule of thumb is 2 cups of water to 1 cup of rice but still check you packet instructions. Put the rice in the water and bring it to the boil. When…

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Fillet Steak Diane Recipe with Peas and Sautéed Potatoes | Gordon Ramsay

Cook like a MasterChef with this Steak Diane recipe with peas and sauteed potatoes recipe by Gordon Ramsay. Steak Diane is traditionally served using a fillet steak but you can use whichever cut suits you. You can also use whichever mustards you have available, I normally avoid Hot English though. If you don’t have shallots,…


How to pour beer, the right way!

Too little head or too much? How to pour beer! Yes, there is a right way and plenty of wrong ways. You may be stripping out some of the carbon dioxide, losing the aromatics or not putting enough head on it. The type of beer you are drinking can be adversely affected in different ways.…


A Dutch Croquettes Recipe

Samantha Nolan stakes early claim to MasterChef title with a Dutch Croquettes Recipe with Hollandaise, Tomato Sauce and Chips. Samantha Nolan wowed not only us but the judges too with this 60 minutes masterpiece. Pete Goffe-Wood had his concerns that Samantha would not have enough time to complete her dish. He was worried that even…


Chicken braised with Green Olives and Feta | Diane Kochilas

This Chicken braised with Green Olives & Feta recipe is a great way to prepare your chicken Mediterranean style. If you don’t have shallots use the smallest onions (red or regular) you can lay your hands on. Diane does recommend chips to go with this chicken but unless they are thick wedges I don’t see…


A Corsican Wild Mushroom and Boar Stew Recipe | Rick Stein

Feeling adventurous? Here is a Corsican Wild Mushroom and Boar Stew Recipe from Rick Stein for you to have a crack at. This is a perfect winter meal to warm the cockles of your heart. No need to stick exclusively to Wild Boar, you can substitute it with pork or even warthog. Serves: 6  …