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Easy Aromatic Roast Chicken Recipe | Curtis Stone

This is a very simple roast chicken recipe from Curtis Stone but then what roast chicken recipe isn’t?

Very basically grab a whole bunch of vegetables, most common are onions, celery and carrots. You can also use garlic, lemons or limes and a variety of herbs, rosemary and sage often work best.

Chop them up and stuff them into the cavity of the bird.

Season the bird with salt and pepper, tie up the legs and then into the oven to roast. Timings depend on the size of the bird but you can test to see if it is cooked by poking it with a skewer between the leg and the breast, if the juices run clear it is ready.

More: Roast Chicken Recipes | Curtis Stone Recipes | Curtis Stone Cooking Tips

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Baz (Staff) (have 376 posts in total)
Is believed to have wined & dined three women on the same night at the same time at different restaurants in Parkhurst and none of them realised it!