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Molecular Gastronomy, Watermelon Caviar and Watermelon Ravioli

Indulge yourself with a little molecular gastronomy spherification and some watermelon caviar and ravioli.

This is the same process as Molecular Gastronomy & the Spherification of Cranberry Juice, you might want to check that video out too, it has more detail. It also has a cool soundtrack so plug in your  speakers.

101 instructions are:

  1. Mix a bath of calcium chloride
  2. Add sodium alginate to watermelon juice
  3. Load into an array of droppers
  4. Drip the juice into the calcium chloride
  5. Spheres of cranberry form
  6. Wash off the calcium carbonate
  7. Strain & serve the little watermelon spheres in your cocktails

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Andrew Lieber (Ed) (have 476 posts in total)
Suffered from multiple personality disorders for the first year of Gourmet Guys. His primary personality has now taken control! Editor-In-Charge
