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Every year up to seventy million sharks are killed for their fins. Shark fin soup! Do you want to know more?

Moves are afoot to make planet earth a safer place for sharks. For billions of years they have remained at the top of the ocean’s food chain, until humankind developed a taste for shark fin soup. I wonder whose idea it was to slip the “kind” in behind human.

Over the past year, particularly in North America, laws, regulations and industry actions have been introduced to put and end to the international trade of shark fins. Possession or sale of shark fins has been banned in parts of Canada, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington and now California. The Bahamas and Honduras have banned shark fishing as they join the movement to save the species from extinction.

The excuse for shark fin soup, as with all rare and exotic dishes, is that it improves your virility. It’s the same excuse over and over again. Well, quite frankly if you are stupid enough to believe that shark fin soup and rhino horn will make you more virile then the world will be a better place without your genetic linage continuing to screw it up for the rest of the planets inhabitants. What kind of man needs to participate in the slaughter of millions of sharks just to prove he is a man? There is a reason for your hopefully very low sperm count.

It’s not just the shark population that is at risk but the entire ocean eco-system, we know this because we have a long history of destroying the eco-system and have learnt from our mistakes.

In China campaigns to end shark fin soup have begun, celebrities like basketball star Yao Ming have joined. Sales have reduced by one third in Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan. The internet trading giant Ali Baba no longer allows shark fin transactions on its site.

Shark populations have a very low tolerance threshold to over fishing because they have very few offspring and do not reproduce until they are over 10 years old.

If you see shark fin soup on a menu, make your feelings known.

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Baz (Staff) (have 262 posts in total)
Is believed to have wined & dined three women on the same night at the same time at different restaurants in Parkhurst and none of them realised it!
