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Deena Naidoo’s MasterChef Mystery Box Oven Roasted Vegetables with Parsnip Purée Recipe

In the mystery box challenge Deena Naidoo prepared a mixed bag of veg.

Idle hands make for silly decisions, or something like that and Deena with too much time on his hands spoils an other wise perfect dish with radish.

He did not really have a plan and made it all up as he went along.

His main objective was to use as many of the Mystery Box ingredients as he could.

Watch Deena chat about his recipe

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Deena Naidoo's MasterChef Mystery Box Oven Roasted Vegetables with Parsnip Purée Recipe, 4.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

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Andrew Lieber (Ed) (have 475 posts in total)
Suffered from multiple personality disorders for the first year of Gourmet Guys. His primary personality has now taken control! Editor-In-Charge
